Red Dog Casino Game

Red Dog is one of those games that isn’t that popular online casino Malaysia, but with a fairly large success in the online casinos. It’s basically a variant of acey deucey that has a fairly standard set of rules. All cards in this game are ranked just like in poker, with the suit being irrelevant and with the aces always having a great value.
Casino Red Dog Review:
First of all, players place a wager, then the dealer takes it to place two cards on the table with the face up. Two consecutive hands, and the current hand is a push. If, by any case, the two cards are equal, then a third card is drawn to the table. At this point in the game you can choose to raise or don’t raise.
You can choose raise if you strongly believe that the next card will rank somewhere between the two cards that are now on the table, with the face up. If you select this options, an equal amount with your wager will be taken, and the game will be played out.
If you choose not to raise, then you will stand by your original wager, and you’ll see how the game plays out, without having to lose any more money. There aren’t that many strategies for this game, although only spreads or seven or more are favorable, if you want to keep that in mind while playing. The standard deviation in this game is 1.60.
While there isn’t that much strategy tied to the game, you should know that raising should only be performed when you are absolutely sure about the fact that the deck favors you, and you can win significant amount of money by doing it. Other than that however, you should always stick to the original hand, at all costs.
Depending on the spread, the payout can be quite high, as follows: a 1 card spread will provide a 5 to 1 payout, 2 cards will give you 4 to 1 payouts, while 3 card spreads will give a payout of 2 to 1. Any 4 to 11 card spread will give you the money back, meaning that you break even.
Unlike any other casino games out there, Red Dog was clearly created not to favor the odds of the players. Although, just like in any betting game, you may win sometimes, depending on how well you play your chance.
While there aren’t that many people that get a 1 card spread, you can only try to win as much money as possible with this game, just like any other gambling link ewallet slot games out there.
My personal recommendation is to play with virtual ‘fun’ money first, until you get a good grasp on how the game plays, and what Red Dog strategy you need to develop in order to win your games.
Once you get the ball rolling, and the first wins come, you can surely up the ante and start winning real money. So go on and start playing this interesting and quite challenging game.